Get your Financial Wellbeing Score Step 1 of 11 9% I have money left over at the end of the month(Required) Having Trouble Just Coping Doing Okay Doing Great My finances control my life(Required) Having Trouble Just Coping Doing Okay Doing Great Difficulty meeting necessary living expenses(Required) Having Trouble Just Coping Doing Okay Doing Great I feel on top of my day to day finance(Required) Having Trouble Just Coping Doing Okay Doing Great I can enjoy life because of the way I am managing my money(Required) Having Trouble Just Coping Doing Okay Doing Great I am comfortable with my current levels of spending relative to the funds I have coming in(Required) Having Trouble Just Coping Doing Okay Doing Great I could handle a major unexpected expenses(Required) Having Trouble Just Coping Doing Okay Doing Great Giving a gift would put a strain on my finances for the month(Required) Having Trouble Just Coping Doing Okay Doing Great I am securing my financial future(Required) Having Trouble Just Coping Doing Okay Doing Great I am on track to have enough money to provide for my financial needs in the future.(Required) Having Trouble Just Coping Doing Okay Doing Great First Name(Required) Last Name(Required) Email(Required) PhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ